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Annual Parent Notification

Annual Parent Notification

Our school district is required by law to provide parents annual notification of the following items...

  • This Stevenson-Carson School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

    Should any student, parent, employee or other feel they have been discriminated against, refer to Stevenson-Carson School District policy #3210 and procedure #3210P.

    The Board shall designate a staff member to serve as the Compliance Officer.

    Stevenson Carson School District 350 Bulldog Drive / PO Box 850 Stevenson, WA 98648

  • Parents in the school district have rights to confidentiality under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The parent or eligible student has a right to:
    Inspect and review the student's education records;
    Request amendment of the student's education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy or other rights;
    Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records;
    File with the US Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the agency to comply with the requirements of the act;
    Obtain a copy of the policy adopted under section 99.6. A copy of this policy is available by request at the school office.


  • Schools may release specific directory-type information without prior parental consent if the school both provides notification that it reserves the right to release such information and defines what kind of information will be considered directory information. Directory information is defined as the student's name, photograph, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, diplomas and awards received and the most recent previous school attended.

    However, under FERPA, parents must be given the right to opt out of the directory information from release. Though schools may release directory information without obtaining the prior consent of parents, school officials use their discretion as to whether they release such information to third parties.

  • Section 952B of the No Child Left Behind Act, also known as Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students and Student Recruiting Information, requires schools to provide student contact information to military recruiters and other institutes of higher education. However, FERPA protects information about students from being released if parents opt out or require prior consent in writing. Please contact your child's school office for additional information.

  • The district engages in a continuous asbestos surveillance program to assure that there are no asbestos problems or danger to students and employees. A copy of the District asbestos management plan is available for review at the district office.

  • The district conducts childfind activities for the purpose of locating, evaluating, and identifying students with a suspected disability who are residing within district boundaries. Childfind activities apply to children who are not currently receiving special education and related services. Parents having concerns about their child's health, hearing, intellectual functioning, language, learning, movement, serious behavioral needs, speech, or vision can call the school office.

  • Congress has adopted legislation requiring drug-free schools. A study by the National Commission on Drug-Free Schools indicated that drug and alcohol use among our nations youth remains widespread. Appreciable numbers of students begin to use alcohol in the elementary grades and increasing numbers begin to use illicit drugs in middle school. Stevenson-Carson School District is committed to drug-free schools. The board has established a policy requiring that each student adhere to all the rules of conduct adopted by the district. Failure to do so shall be cause for corrective action enforced by school officials.

    Use and/or possession of alcohol and illicit drugs is unlawful, wrong, and harmful. A student shall not knowingly possess, use, transmit, be under the influence of, or show evidence of having used any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind while:

    On the school grounds during and before and immediately after school hours;
    On school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a school group(s);
    Off the school grounds at a school activity, function, or event.

    Discipline sanctions up to and including expulsion and referral for prosecution will be imposed on students who violate the standards of conduct. Examples of sanctions may include notification of parent/guardian, notification of authorities, referral for substance abuse evaluation, curtailment of participation in district sports, suspension, expulsion, and/or completion of a drug/alcohol rehabilitation or treatment program not at district expense. (Use of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a registered physician shall not be considered a violation of this rule.)
    Information about the drug/alcohol counseling and rehabilitation program may be obtained from the building administrator or student service counselors. Compliance with the above standards of conduct is mandatory for all students and will be enforced without exception. (Please see attached multi-media permission slip.)

  • The District assures that all its students have an opportunity to enroll in classes, programs and extra-curricular activities without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap. The district complies with all state and federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disabilities. This holds true for all district employment and student opportunities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district's Title IX Officer. The Title IX Officer is Karen Douglass (509) 427-5674,

  • The District and the board of directors recognize their responsibility to provide a working environment for employees and a learning environment for students that is free from all types of discrimination, including sexual harassment and bullying. Sexual harassment is illegal, and procedures have been developed that provide for receiving and investigating a complaint from any staff member or student. To make a confidential report, contact the school office.

  • Title I Schools

    If you are a parent in a Title I school, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information in a timely manner. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information:

    Whether OSPI has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
    Whether OSPI has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special circumstances.
    The teacher's college major; whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees.
    Whether any teachers' aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if they do, their qualifications. If you would like to receive any of this information, please call the school office.

  • The Washington State Legislature requires all school districts to adopt a pesticide policy and related procedures for implementing the policy. It is our intent to take steps that will promote a safe and healthy environment to our students and our community. Information regarding the use of pesticides in the District is available at the school office.

  • Each senior high school and any other public school that includes ninth grade shall publish annually and deliver to each parent with children enrolled in ninth through twelfth grades, information concerning the entrance requirements and the availability of programs in the local area that lead to college credit, including classes such as advanced placement, running start, tech-prep, skill centers, college in the high school, and international baccalaureate programs. The information may be included with other information the school regularly mails to parents. In addition, each senior high school and any other public school that includes ninth grade shall enclose information of the names and contact information of other public or private entities offering such programs, including online advanced placement programs, to its ninth through twelfth grade students if the school has knowledge of such entities."

  • School districts must work with state agencies (including OSPI) to establish a coordinated primary prevention program for child abuse and neglect. All "parents shall be given notice of the primary prevention program and may refuse to have their children participate in the program."

  • Stevenson-Carson School District is a member of the ESD 112 Special Education Cooperative. On behalf of the Stevenson-Carson School District and other member districts, the Co-op has submitted an application for funding under Part B of the IDEA regulations. This application is available for parent and general public review. If you would like to review the application for the current school year please contact the district office at 427-5674.

  • The Stevenson-Carson School District Title I, A Parent Involvement District Policy (4130) and Procedures (4130P) are reviewed annually. The complete policy and procedure are available upon request by calling the district office.

  • “Expulsion” is the exclusion from school or individual classes for an indefinite period. Use and/or possession of firearms and/or possessing or using explosive devices at the minimum will result in:

    • Mandatory expulsion for one calendar year.
    • Notification of law enforcement.
    • Notification of parents/guardians.
    • Appeal/modification possible for superintendent.

    At the maximum, possession of firearms and/or possessing or using explosive devices will result in indefinite expulsion and notification to law enforcement.

    Emergency Expulsion
    A student may be excluded from school prior to a hearing without other forms of corrective action if the principal reasonably believes the student is an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, administrators, or is a substantial disruption to the educational process of the District. Such emergency expulsion shall continue until the student is reinstated by the principal or until a fair hearing is held and a final determination reached. The hearing officer may continue the emergency expulsion if he/she finds that the student continues to present an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, or administrators, or continues to cause a substantial disruption to the educational process of the District.

    The provisions governing notice and hearing of regular long-term suspensions or expulsions shall apply except:

    A. Written notice of the emergency expulsion shall be sent by certified letter deposited in the U.S. mail within twenty-four (24) hours of the expulsion or by hand delivery to the student's parent(s) or guardian(s) within twenty-four (24) hours of the expulsion and documenting delivery by obtaining his or her signature acknowledging receipt or the written certification of the person making the delivery;
    B. The parent and student shall have ten (10) school business days after receipt of the notice during which to request a hearing. A schedule of “school business days” potentially applicable to the exercise of such hearing right should be included with the notice; and
    C. The hearing officer shall render the decision within one (1) school business day after the conclusion of the hearing.

    Long-Term Suspensions or Expulsions
    A long-term suspension or expulsion may be imposed by the principal only after a fair hearing is made available to the affected student and parent. Written notice of the hearing shall be delivered to the parent and student by certified mail or in person. The notice shall be in the parent's primary language and shall supply (1) the alleged misconduct and the school rules alleged to have been violated, (2) the recommended corrective action or punishment, (3) the right to a hearing, (4) the notice that if a written request for a hearing is not received by the staff member named in the notice within three (3) school business days after the notice is received, the hearing shall be waived and the recommended corrective action or punishment shall take effect, and (5) the date by which the request for a hearing must be received.

    If a hearing is requested, the superintendent shall schedule the matter for a hearing within three (3) school business days of such request.

    The parent and student and the District or representatives shall be permitted to inspect in advance of such hearing any affidavits or exhibits which are to be submitted at the hearing. The parent and student shall have the opportunity to be represented by counsel, to explain the alleged misconduct and to present affidavits, exhibits, and such witnesses as desired, as well as the opportunity to question witnesses.

    The hearing shall be conducted before a hearing officer appointed by the Superintendent. Such hearing officer shall not be a witness and shall determine the facts of each case solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. The hearing officer shall state in writing the findings as to the facts, conclusions and disposition to be made. The decision shall be provided to the parent and student or counsel.

    Appeal Process for Long-Term Suspension or Expulsion
    If a long-term suspension or expulsion is imposed, the parent and student shall have the right to appeal the hearing officer's decision by filing a written notice of appeal at the office of the hearing officer within three (3) school business days after the date of receipt of the decision. The long-term suspension or expulsion shall be in effect while the appeal is pending. The school Board shall schedule and hold a meeting to informally review the matter within ten (10) school business days from receipt of such appeal. The purpose of the meeting shall be to confer with the parties in order to decide upon the most appropriate means of handling the appeal. At that time, the student, parent, and/or counsel shall be given the right to be heard and shall be granted the opportunity to present such witnesses and testimony as the Board deems reasonable. Prior to adjournment, the school Board shall agree to one of the following procedures:

    A. Study the hearing record or other materials submitted and record its findings within ten (10) school business days;
    B. Schedule and hold a special meeting to hear further arguments on the case and record its findings within fifteen (15) school business days; or
    C. Hear and try the case de novo before the school Board within ten (10) school business days.

    Any decision by the Board to impose or to affirm, reverse, or modify the imposition of suspension or expulsion upon a student shall be made only by:

    A. Those school Board members who have heard or read the evidence;
    B. Those school Board members who have not acted as a witness in the matter; and
    C. A majority vote at a meeting at which a quorum of the school Board is present.

    Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the school Board's final decision, any parent and student desiring to appeal any action upon the part of the school Board regarding the suspension or expulsion may serve a notice of appeal upon the school Board and file such notice with the superior court clerk of the county. Such notice shall also set forth in a clear and concise manner the errors complained of.

  • Stevenson-Carson continues to meet the Annual Measurement of Academic Objectives in for the bilingual program. Results are based on annual testing with the Washington Evaluation of Language Proficiency in Academics (WELPA). For more detailed information, please refer to results posted by OSPI.

    Chart showing the Annual Measurement of Academic Objectives