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Multilingual/English Learners Services

Multilingual/English Learners Services

The English Language Learner (ELL) Program at SCSD is administered under Washington state guidelines as a “Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program (TBIP)”. The goals of the TBIP program are to develop English language proficiency while developing academics at grade level. The Mission statement is as follows: “English Language Learners (ELLs) will meet state standards and develop English language proficiency in an environment where language and cultural assets are recognized as valuable resources to learning.”

Potential ELL students at SCSD are identified with information about their primary language collected at registration. Students are given a placement test and if they are eligible for services, they enter the ELL program. Weekly intensive instruction is delivered by our ELL teacher, Nelda Doody. The program is coordinated by Juliana Cuyler. Teachers and paraprofessionals access training opportunities to provide ELL students with “sheltered instruction” so that their academic learning is able to grow in tandem with their English language skills.

ELL students are tested once yearly on a Washington state language proficiency test and their progress as a competent English speaker is tracked through the results of this test. Students “transition” out of the program by passing this test at a level 4. It generally takes 3-7 years for a student learning English as a second language to transition. Once a student has “transitioned” they no longer receive ELL instruction. For more information, please see this brochure.


AMAO Statement

The state report of Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) for districts in the State Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program includes scores for ELL (English Language Learner) students in the Stevenson Carson public schools. The report released in 2011 showed that for the 2010-2011 school year, SCSD English Language Learners have exceeded the AMAO standards in all three target areas:

Target 1: Annual increase in the number or percentage of children making progress in learning English

Target 2: annual increase in the number or percentage of children attaining English proficiency.

Target 3: Increase in the number or percentage of English Language Learners meeting AYP targets in reading and math on the MSP (Measure of Student Achievement)

This measure of success is reflective of our dedicated ELL staff, our classroom teachers and the parents of these students who support the development of English and academic success in the students we serve.